Wednesday, May 22, 2013

tattoo aftercare

people always ask me what I recommend for healing a tattoo.  for me it's simple.  do nothing and your tattoo will heal.  itchy and crusty.  but It will heal. use fragrance free alcohol free lotion and your tattoo will heal normally and not be as itchy or uncomfortable. it you want your tattoo to heal quickly and aid the rejuvenation of new skin with hardly any itchy crusty spots I recommend ohana gold. this is 100% natural.  made in small batches. this isn't commercial bullshit. this come from within the industry. my friend megan is heavily tattooed and her husband is an amazing tattooer.  they have been apart of this industry for a long time.  

I don't typically praise to many things online.  but this is a great project I want to see succeed. this is the first aftercare I've seen that has integrity.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Jeff wanted a rose at a funky angle.

drawn on and tattooed.  thanks jeff!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

The peacock king

This watercolor was done in 2013 and sold to a good friend and tattoo collector. I kind of miss it!

josh is a veteran of the Iraq war.

josh has more than earned the right to proudly fly this flag and represent lady liberty! 
thank you for you service, and your friendship.